Install extension and get started now
It's super easy and quick, and you'll be up and running in no time.
Install ChatGPT's sidebar on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers to access AI-powered assistance for daily tasks and endeavors.
We support even more exciting features.
These shortcuts are intended to save time and enhance the efficiency of your chatbot experience.
Create your own prompt commands for an efficient workflow integrated with any websites, rise your produtivity.
Beautiful themes integrated with your browser, supports dark and light themes, synchronized with the system.
Work on most mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Arc etc..
Data encryption ensures safety. Reset history messages anytime instead of worrying about privacy.
Use AI shortcuts on any webpage such as Translate, Grammar Analyze, and your own shortcuts.
Customized for writing scenarios on any webpages, improve creativity and efficiency.
We offer better features than ChatGPT and only cost its 60% price.
What our users say
Our aim is to provide our users with an excellent experience. Thanks for your 5-star rating.